Posts tagged " Social Media Marketing "

Leveraging Instagram for Business

May 26th, 2016 Posted by Business Development, Experts, How To No Comment yet

OmniBlog - Instagram for Business - InstagramLogoInstagram is one of the largest social media sites with approximately 300 million active monthly users. Facebook purchased Instagram in 2012, but Instagram continues to grow under the social media giant as average engagement on Instagram has grown by 416 percent over two years. It has also gained 100 million new users over that same time period – a large number of those coming from an older audience. With that being said, Instagram continues to be dominated by the younger generation as 41% of users are between the ages 16 and 24. Thus, if you are mainly targeting an older generation than your time may be better spent on Facebook and SEO tactics, but if you are targeting a younger audience than Instagram is the perfect social media site for you.


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